I’m excited to kick off our new book, *Tree of Yoga* by B.K.S. Iyengar, with a special *Zoom session*! 🌳✨ Join us for a livegathering where we’ll introduce the book, share insights about the book club,and set the stage for our reading journey ahead.
Here’s what to expect during the session:
🔸 Abrief introduction to *Tree of Yoga*.
🔸 Anoverview of our *Yoga Readers* community and how we’ll be engaging with thebook.
🔸 Ashort introduction of myself, including my *academic background* in religiousstudies and my *years of experience* as an Iyengar Yoga teacher.
🔸 Anopportunity for you to *share your expectations* from the book club, askquestions, and offer your initial thoughts on the book.
This is a great chance to meet fellowmembers, ask any questions, and get a clear picture of how we’ll move forwardwith the reading. 🌿📖
We look forward to starting this journeywith all of you and hearing your perspectives! 🙌✨
See you on Zoom!
Namaste 🙏